Best hairstyles for men 2020| Hairstyles
- Your hair got messy during this long pandemic?
- Thinking of owning a new hairstyle?
- Can't figure out which one?
We don't think you need to be worried about the problems mentioned above because here we are with 7 best hairstyle that you can own in the year 2020.
1-The grown out look.
The grown out look is one of those hairstyles which is heavily been influenced by he pandemic and more and more guys are rocking it. First out of necessity but now they are realizing it that this particular hairstyle looks pretty good
This a hairstyle that has been preaching now in 2020 and it's still a growing trend and the current pandemic just helped to speed it up
This hairstyle is a total opposite of the hairstyle mentioned earlier. Now if you don't want your hair to grow out crazy during this pandemic than you should go in the opposite direction and try out the buzzcut.
Buzzcut is also a very popular pandemic cut. This is a hairstyle that a lot of guys think that should I try it or not but its kind of hairstyle that you need to dive in your head first inorder to see the results which is kinda scary but the truth is the buzz cut is a lot more versatile. It suits a lot more types of guys than we actually think it does
It gives a really edgy, confident look.
Thanks to the pandemic that we are going to see a lot more of this hairstyle to come.
3-Buzzcut variations
It is one of the first things that a lot guys think before rocking a buzz cut is that you do it and then you are stuck with the buzzcut and later on you are going to face a really awkward growout phase which is true if you don't maintain it
But In reality there are tons of mini hairstyles that you can pull off while you are transitioning out of the buzzcut
1-Bating up the sides
Bating the sides while your hair is still growing on top
2- Colouring hair
You can try a bunch of different colours if you are into it because it's really easy.
You can do one colour and then buzz off you hair and then maybe try another colour
4- Crew cut
For those of you who has gone through the grow out stage and now are bore of those long grown hair you have got the Crew cut.
It is something which is pretty short and simple and it looks pretty cool at the same time. In the mean time it's a very easy style to maintain aswell
5-Low fade with twists
The low fade with twists is an absolute killer. I just recommend that make sure that the twists are deliberate and well groomed and you have got yourself an awesome hairstyle
It's pretty much similar to the undercut but the difference in the hair texture it looks a completely different hairstyle
Now I am going to list number 6 and number 7 in the same point because they are pretty much similar to eachother.
6- Modern quiff
The modern quiff is basically the messy textured forward or back hairstyles with shorter sides
It is usually a little bit more textured a little bit more messy but it can for forward or backward.
7- Modern pompadour
It is essentially the same thing as the modern quiff but with more grown outsides.
You little bit kinda more to slick back but you can still do this in a more messy way. Which is my advise when it cimes to modern pompadour and modern quiff. To keep it more messy, to keep it more textured to make it look more natural.
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