5 Trendy Outfits To Level Up Your Style This Fall | Men’s Fashion| 2020

Have you always been fascinated by gentlemen wearing elegant and modern suits? Or by young men who carry their clothing and apparel just so damn well? Do you get enthralled at those color schemes that match so perfectly? And the choice of styling that seems just splendid?

Want to style yourself cool in this upcoming Fall?

Well, let me tell you my friend, that this Fall you are going to be a style icon in your town because today at "The Modern Man" we have prepared for you a revitalizing list of 5 Outfits for men to level up your style this fall season 2020.

Let's get into it then!

1. Chesterfield Coat Outfit

If you prefer a formal styling outdoors with a decent and strong look, this first outfit is a definite yes for you.

The Chesterfield coat is a formal knee-length overcoat with a velvet collar.

A piece of clothing that would look absolutely dope in the caramel colored during the fall season as the caramel is one of the best when it comes to which colours you should wear during fall season.

Not only is this garment cozy and warm (which obviously is important as you wouldn't want to be froze to death only to "look cool"), but also it is very unique in its look. 

  • A light colored chesterfield coat.
  • White/dark inner.
  • Straight bottoms.
  • Plus polished ankle boots brown/black
A light coloured over coat, a light inner, a straight bottom, a niche pair of boots and these simple pieces of clothes are enough to level up your style during this fall season.
Photo on Instagram by rowanrow

outfit is surely one of those fall guys outfits.

Maybe you're a young adult who is into something that's more casual and easy going. Then this next item in the list might appeal to your better nature. 

2. Denim Outfit

Who doesn't love denim?

Like seriously from teens to adults, denim clothing has always been a part of our wardrobes. 

The jackets and jeans look trendy and are very well for a casual outfit this fall.
For school, college, picnic with family, outing with friends and even for your first date (or second, third, fifth, fifteenth who cares :D ).

Denims have always got up and are again amazing for mens casual fall outfits.

  • A jacket can go with a plain inner.
  • Narrow pants or jeans.
  • A nice pair of sneakers.
A denim jacket with a plain inner, black narrow pants, a nice pair of sneakers. Put these items together and boom you have a great outfit to wear.
Photo on Instagram by rowanrow

And denim jeans work well with a simple plain round neck or a minimal pattern shirt and sole sneakers and makes a really trendy outfit during this fall season.

Considering something more plain and minimal?

Check out the next outfit.

3. Minimal round neck sweater Outfit

Simplicity is one of the most decent ways to win someone's heart and this creates a soulful feeling of goodness associated with the person and that's exactly what mens fashion is usually for.

  • A dark coloured sweater
  • A white or light coloured shirt with collar
  • Jeans or chinos
  • Some nice boots or sneaker
A dark round neck sweater, a light coloured collar shirt, a pair of jeans and some nice boots or sneakers.
Photo on Instagram by rowanrow 

Amidstall this rush and fastness of life, a simple, plain, minimal dark colored round neck sweater is going to make you stand out the crowd being and surely levels up your style.

4. Leather Jacket Outfit

Fashion, style trends, latest things and modes keep changing and evolving over time. But there is one thing we all know that leather is never going out of fashion.

The sleek designs and the dynamism of leather clothing and accessories whether bags, purses or regular wear for both genders, is what makes this material a definite yes for everyone and fall season is the absolute right time to wear it and up you fall guys outfits game during this fall season.

  • A brick red/black leather jacket
  • Light coloured t-shirt
  • Black narrow pants
  • White sole sneakers

A black or Brick red leather jacket, a light coloured t-shirt, a pair of black narrow pants, a pair of white sole sneakers.
Photo on Instagram by alexcosta 

5. Bomber jacket Outfit 

In this category we wanted to focus more on how to level up your style during this fall season using street wear. So, we came up with this outfit. 
  • A black bomber jacket 
  • A black boxer t-shirt 
  • A black pair of jeans
  • High top shoes 
Ps: if you want to check this outfit out you can check out teaching mens fashion. At 4:17 minutes. 

As far as fit is concerned while wearing a boxer tee you need to find a balance.  If your wearing a loose top your bottom should be fitted but its surely isn't a thing when you're wearing a fitted bottom. 



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